A few things to know about us:

Here at Just Anna, we seek to create handmade goods that make your heart happy as you wear them, all while knowing you're supporting a brand who likes to support others.

Each month, proceeds from our new collection goes back to individuals and families in need within our community, seeking to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. Through buying our earrings, you're helping us love our neighbors well.

Keep scrolling to read more about who we are, what we do, and even shop a few of our past collections! We hope our site makes you feel a little more loved, and that you stop and stay a while :)
- just anna

shop our favorites:

shop our newest arrival:

Get to Know Our Mission:

  • Who we are:

    We are a small business passionate about making handmade items for the sweet people who support us! What started as a dream for a gal in her senior year of high school has turned into a sweet ministry of creating handmade goods and blessing others throughout the past three years. All goods are handmade by the owner of Justanna, who finds great joy in both her work as well as the ways we've gotten to support others throughout the years. It has been such a blessing to create and give back in such a sweet way, and we cannot wait for all the sweetness which the future holds!

  • What we do:

    Here at JustAnna, we seek to give back to those whom we do daily life with, who we brush shoulders with as we live our lives, running the risk of being painfully unaware of how in need those close to us may be. We understand that life is all about how we love those around us, and our goal is to lighten the burdens of those whom we do daily life with. Through the sending of each month's proceeds directly to individuals or families in need within our growing communities, Justanna is equipped by each and every sale to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our friends and neighbors in need.

  • What we believe:

    We are unapologetic about our Christian faith, wholeheartedly believing that we are created by God for God, led to love one another in His name. This isn't simply a small business or a labor of love from the creator, but it's a ministry, and when you shop at justanna, you're letting this ministry be the hands and feet of Jesus for our neighbors in need. We hope you feel a little more loved after checking out our shop, and have gotten a feel for all this sweet ministry is and will continue to be. When you shop you're supporting this ministry, so welcome aboard!

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